As JEE candidates get ready for the next JEE Main 2025 exam, this frequently asked question comes up in their minds. Why not? One of the hardest admission tests for students hoping to enrol in the best and most prominent engineering schools in the nation is JEE. There are two stages of JEE: Main and Advanced. Students can only enrol in Advanced if they have passed Main.
Obtaining high JEE marks is essential to gaining admission to IITs since JEE Main is the final test for all applicants nationwide. However, only a small percentage of students pass the test. Still, a lot of applicants want to get a good score. Candidates who receive lower scores on the JEE Main paper can raise their scores with the help of the tips in this blog.
JEE Main Online Mock Test Sample Paper and Course for the Latest Exam
JEE Main Online Previous Year Question Paper for the Latest Exam
MUST READ: Common Mistakes JEE Mains Aspirants Make and How to Avoid Them?
Preparation Tips to Get a Good Score in JEE Mains 2025
The goal of every JEE candidate is to achieve high scores on the most difficult admission exam in India, JEE. Despite their diligent efforts, they need to adhere to a well-thought-out study schedule and practice efficient time management. If you want to be considered for admission to the esteemed IITs, IIITs, and NITs, this is the first step. Here are some study ideas and strategies for JEE Main 2025 that will help you do well in the test. Read on:
Segregate The JEE Main Topics and Complete them on Time
To improve your JEE Main score, consult your curriculum and review each topic thoroughly. Divide themes into classes 11 and 12 for simultaneous board and entrance tests. Divide subjects into easy, tough, and very tough categories to give each topic enough time and finish the syllabus on schedule. This will help you study for board and entrance tests effectively. This will also help while taking the initial JEE Main mock test free online and analysing your knowledge.
For Best JEE Main Mock Test Series | Sample Papers 2025 Exam visit- Oswaal Books
Best JEE Main Previous Year Question Papers | PYQs Books for 2025 Exam – oswaalbooks.com
Prepare High-Scoring Topics First
A JEE Main score of 90-98% is required for admission to India's top engineering schools. To achieve this, applicants should prioritize high-scoring themes, understand the syllabus, and follow a suitable study schedule. They should also be aware of the 2025 JEE Main exam pattern and make an appropriate study schedule during the planning phase. This will help them prepare for the exam with the help of the NTA JEE Main mock test and secure admission.
Focus on Concept-Based Study
To prepare for tests, focus on learning precise concepts in mathematics and physics to confidently answer questions. Developing a concept is crucial for high marks. Practice answering multiple questions and regularly review notes to ensure understanding. Clear thoughts can overwhelm difficult questions, so focus on developing a solid foundation for success.
Read From the Best Materials
Even though NCERT books are said to be useful for strengthening your foundation, it's advisable to consult other key JEE Main books if you're wondering how to do well on the test. Taking the JEE main mock test free online also helps with the preparation.
Recommended Links:
Best JEE Main Preparation Books for 2025 Exam - Click Here
JEE Main Syllabus for 2025 Exam - Click Here
Brush Up Your Speed and Accuracy
Solve previous year's question papers and NTA JEE Main mock test to increase your speed and accuracy when answering exam questions. Many students are curious about how they might succeed in JEE 2025 if they begin now. The solution is to practice as many of last year's question papers and JEE main mock test free as you can. You'll learn the kind and difficulty of the exam's questions as well as your weak points and areas in need of improvement. Most significantly, you can monitor and enhance the speed at which you answer each question.
Continue Practising
Your success on the JEE Main mock tests shouldn't cause you to become overconfident or demotivated. You should continue practising until the day of the test if you're performing well; if not, you should keep going. This is the best method to make sure you receive high scores in JEE Main. Understand that you can utilise your time to its fullest.
To Conclude
Therefore, stop worrying about the test and begin using the advice above to raise your JEE Main exam score. Answering queries is insufficient. Maintaining accuracy and speed while making the required adjustments is essential. JEE is without a doubt one of the hardest entrance exams, but if you truly want to succeed and get into the college of your dreams, start using these pointers right away