The NDA exam is one of the most difficult competitive exams in the country. If you are someone who wants to join the Indian Defence Forces, this is just the exam for your needs. You need to put your hard work and determination to work if you want to achieve a good rank in the NDA exam. In addition to that, you need to plan your preparation in a very efficient and meticulous manner so you can witness visible results with your rank. This exam will open the doors for the Indian Army, Air Force, and Navy. If you make a smart study plan and work religiously towards it, no force can stop you from cracking the NDA exam. General Knowledge is one of the highest-scoring subjects in the NDA exam and if you stay on top of the latest trends, you can get an edge in this subject. This blog will help you understand how you can strengthen your General Knowledge for the NDA exam.
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Sneak Peek into General Knowledge Subject
General Knowledge subject in the NDA exam carries a weightage of 400 marks. This subject primarily focuses on Current Affairs and if you want to ace this subject, you need to stay tuned with the latest happenings in the surroundings. This subject covers various other sections that include General Science, Indian History, Chemistry, Geography, Physics, and Current Affairs. Therefore, if you want to score well in General Knowledge, you need to be aware of news updates, sports, art, or any other happenings of importance.
Tips to Strengthen General Knowledge for NDA
This section will help you understand how you can excel in the General Knowledge subject for the NDA exam.
Make notes of important topics
If you have prepared handwritten notes of major events in the surrounding world, it will help you in a great way to conquer your exam. These notes will come in handy to revise all the important events in a single go before the exam day.
Join the NDA Test Series
The NDA test series is a great way to stay connected with the subject and see what type of questions can be asked in the exam. This will help you understand what lines you need to buckle up with your preparation. In addition to that, you will get a rank after every test that will help you assess where you stand with the remaining competition.
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Prepare with NDA Practice Paper Online
You can find an ample number of NDA practice sets online. Each practice set has a different difficulty level that will help you evaluate the difficulty level of the questions you are prepared to tackle on the day of the exam. This will help you in the long run.
Prepare an achievable timetable
Preparing a timetable with achievable milestones is of great importance during NDA exam preparation. Divide your time between different sections so that you can touch upon every topic and prepare holistically for the exam.
Recommended Links:
Best NDA Books for 2025 Exam Preparation
NDA Previous Year Question Paper with Solutions
Final Thoughts
NDA practice set online is a great way to prepare for the General Knowledge subject in the NDA exam. If you are dedicated towards your goal, you can easily crack and secure a good rank in the NDA exam.
All the Best!