The week before exams is when every student is anxious and wants to study day and night. But is it the right approach? Experts recommend studying and revising in slots and taking short breaks in between. The final week before the exam is to rest and brace yourself so that you can give your best in exams. If you are the kind of student who panics and doesn't exactly know what to do a week before an exam, this blog is for you.
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Revise Strategically
A week before the exam, you must know which topic holds more weight, and you must prioritize revision accordingly. Avoid learning new topics and focus on formulae, definitions, and equations that you've already studied before. Solving an ICSE class 10 mock test now and then can speed up your revision.
Plan Everything
A week before exams, when everything feels and seems like chaos, plan everything and stick to it. Divide time between study, revision, physical activity, and meditation to de-stress yourself.
Stay Organized
Keep your notes and study materials organized so that you don't have to waste time finding anything or, worse, forget to revise something. Also, keep subject-wise mock tests handy, like the ICSE class 10 physics mock test and the ICSE class 10 math mock test, to practice time management and for a quick and complete revision.
Maintain a Healthy Routine
You might want to sleep less and study more before or during exams, but your mind and body need rest to recover from the stress and give their best. Make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep regularly.
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Avoid Cramming
Most students feel like studying everything at once to compensate for what they couldn't study on time. Don't be like them and study everything in order—one topic at a time. Take time to revise and practice and then move on.
Don't Underestimate Yourself
A day and a week before exams, most of the students feel like they haven't studied enough and stress themselves to the extreme. If you are also feeling the same, practice some mind-calming techniques and aim to give your best with what you studied.
Steer Clear of Distractions
Everything seems interesting when you are trying to focus hard on something. But you must steer clear of distractions and focus on revision. You can enjoy your time during the small breaks to de-stress yourself.
Don't Dwell on Mistakes
Making mistakes during revision is good. Just make sure you are learning what you are doing wrong to avoid it in the exams. Also, make sure you are not stressing yourself much over them. It will just make you feel weak.
In conclusion, there are a lot of things that you should do and don't a week before exams. If you remember to follow the above-mentioned points, you can focus and perform better in exams. Best of luck!