It is often challenging to find a balance between studying for the JEE Mains as well as the board exams. However, if certain strategies are adhered to, the challenge can easily be overcome. There are two critical exams that are core to a student’s future and thus time management and resource utilization is essential. This is how to manage both efficiently and effectively.
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JEE Main Online Previous Year Question Paper for the Latest Exam
MUST READ: Are the NTA JEE Mains Mock Test Papers Useful for 2024 Exams?
Know the common topics between the syllabus
The silver lining, however, is there is a great degree of similarity between the syllabus of the two JEE Mains and the board exam. For instance, the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics include some topics which are present in the JEE Mains exams. When covering a topic and preparing yourself for the boards, make it a point to cover the topic slightly more extensively to also cover this for the JEE Mains. After studying the NCERT books, focus on the NCERT solutions and get hold of past year questions to practice.
Write down an appropriate study schedule for yourself.
When it comes to preparing for both exams, it cannot be stressed enough how important time management is. Make sure you divide your study time evenly between preparing for the board exam and the JEE Mains exam. Set aside a certain amount of hours every day for both even if it requires some adjustments for school tests or mock exams. Set your evenings or weekends aside to take the JEE mains free online mock tests and review how well you performed. When it comes to practising something, the more you do, the better it will be in the end.
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Best JEE Main Previous Year Question Papers | PYQs Books for 2023-24 Exam – oswaalbooks.com
Prioritize Understanding the Ideas
The focus for board exams is written explanations and presentation, whilst for JEE Mains it is problem-solving skills. So, when preparing for both kinds of exams, make sure that the understanding of concepts is quite strong. In the case of board exams, concentrate on how to effectively write elaborative answers while in JEE Mains prepare to attempt MCQs in a short duration. Regularly take NTA JEE mains mock test to evaluate your JEE preparation and also to work on your speed and accuracy.
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Take Advantage of Online Resources
Nowadays, there is a wide range of websites that have JEE mains online test options. Take advantage of these available resources to practice frequently. Make it a point to solveJEE mains mock test free onlineso as to give yourself a feel of what the examination room is like. This will enable you to get used to the online format of the test which is very important for JEE Mains.
Recommended Links:
Best JEE Main Preparation Books for 2023-24 Exam - Click Here
JEE Main Syllabus for 2024 Exam - Click Here
Self-Evaluation Tools
Evaluate your preparation in both the boards and JEE Mains continuously. For board exams, secure some sample papers such that they help you understand how to go about writing the answers. For JEE Mains, use the NTA JEE mains mock test and other JEE mains online test resources. This will allow you to identify weak areas in your preparation strategies at an early stage and seek to rectify them long before it is too late.
In conclusion, balancing JEE Mains papers with those of other boards is a function of the ability to plan efficiently and practice consistently with the help of tools like the NTA JEE mains mock test. Maintain your discipline and focus, and both of these exams will yield positive outcomes!